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Physical Education at Lowfield Primary School
At Lowfield we recognise the value of PE in promoting healthy lifestyles.

Physical Education Schedule


All classes from Y1 to Y6 are timetabled for two one hour sessions of PE each week; one session focuses on competitive games style activities such as football, basketball, cricket etc. and the other session focuses on gymnastics, athletics and dance activities.

Swimming Lessons​


Swimming lessons are part of the Y4 curriculum and take place currently at Heely swimming baths. The pupils walk to and from this local facility as part of our commitment to healthy lifestyles.


We try to ensure pupils leave Lowfield with the ability to swim safely. 

Sports Premium Review 2019-2020


A Passion for Sports​


We have a range of sports clubs, such as football, basketball etc. which operate at both lunchtimes and after school – these are all free to our pupils to encourage greater participation.


Lowfield is also part of the Forge Sports Partnership, this gives our pupils access to a wider range of sports activities at our local secondary schools.

Looking for information that you can't find? Contact our office on 0114 2552501 or and we will be happy to help you.

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